Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Rapunzel Dress

So the first Disney princess movie my oldest daughter watched was the new Disney Tangled, their rendition of the story of Rapunzel. It is quite good, we really like it, though we've had to explain a lot of things that are hard for an 'almost 3 year old' to understand. Anyway, she just took to this story and would dance around the house singing the songs! This summer we took a trip to Disney World and she was able to 'meet' Rapunzel and a couple other princesses there, and she thought it was "the best day EVER!" :-)

Every day for a while now, she has begged to put on a dress that looks 'like a princess' each morning to play in. I though she would really enjoy her own Rapunzel dress so instead of paying extortionate Disney World Princess dress prices (it really was unbelievable!) I decided to make her one myself. I used a T-shirt of her's to go by on the bodice and sleeve pattern from a dress pattern I had made her. Then made up a lot of it as I went, but this is the final product and I am very pleased with it. Most important is that she is thrilled with it. She said, "Mom, you did such a good job on my dress!" Can't you tell by the look on her face?! LOL

Little sis wanted to dress up too, so we found her a fancy dress to wear. And of course there had to be LOTS of flowers and hair-bows in the hair, "just like Rapunzel, Mom!" LOVE being a Mom of girls!!

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