It's getting closer now to baby's arrival and we are very excited and getting a little anxious! Stephen and I went to our doctor's appointment yesterday to 'see' baby and what is happening so far. We do have one issue that baby is still breech, jack-knifed at the moment. The doctor started talking to us about possible things that may need to happen if baby does not move into the correct, head down position on his/her own. When he mentioned cesarean I started getting a little panicked. It shook me up a bit, but I know that the Lord is in control and will work things out. I've had some good friends tell me that there is still time for the baby to move on his/her own and we are also trying to do some exercises to help the baby move too. The doctor can also do a procedure to move the baby, so I know the Lord will work it all out. We are so thankful for all our blessings and I just pray we have a healthy, happy baby no matter how they come into this world!
We had a lovely family and friends baby shower over the weekend and were blessed again with so much love and support and some lovely gifts for the baby. We both are very humbled by the love shown by others and I am reminded every day of God's blessings! I've now got the baby bedding in on the crib (cot) and washing some more baby clothes ready for the little one's arrival in a few weeks. I need to purchase a few more things for myself ready for feeding baby, but we're just about ready for the appearance of our child. Wow! When I think about the fact that this baby is part of me it is just miraculous! I've held other people's babies and enjoyed them, but I know this will be so very precious and special because he/she will be mine!